Linux Basics
Essential Linux for Hackers.
HACK THE BOX Academy Linux
Finding Files
Locate commad
ls with modified time
Find files based on filename | find [directory path] -type f -name [filename] | find /home/Andy -type f -name sales.txt |
Find Directory based on directory name | find [directory path] -type d -name [filename] | find /home/Andy -type d -name pictures |
Find files based on size | find [directory path] -type f -size [size] | find /home/Andy -type f -size 10c (c for bytes, k for kilobytes M megabytes G for gigabytes type:'man find' for full information on the options) |
Find files based on username | find [directory path] -type f -user [username] | find /etc/server -type f -user john |
Find files based on group name | find [directory path] -type f -group [group name] | find /etc/server -type f -group teamstar |
Find files modified after a specific date | find [directory path] -type f -newermt '[date and time]' | find / -type f -newermt '6/30/2020 0:00:00' (all dates/times after 6/30/2020 0:00:00 will be considered a condition to look for) |
Find files based on date modified | find [directory path] -type f -newermt [start date range] ! -newermt [end date range] | find / -type f -newermt 2013-09-12 ! -newermt 2013-09-14 (all dates before 2013-09-12 will be excluded; all dates after 2013-09-14 will be excluded, therefore this only leaves 2013-09-13 as the date to look for.) |
Find files based on date accessed | find [directory path] -type f -newerat [start date range] ! -newerat [end date range] | find / -type f -newerat 2017-09-12 ! -newerat 2017-09-14 (all dates before 2017-09-12 will be excluded; all dates after 2017-09-14 will be excluded, therefore this only leaves 2017-09-13 as the date to look for.) |
Find files with a specific keyword | grep -iRl [directory path/keyword] | grep -iRl '/folderA/flag' |
Ignore only these | grep -v "hello" | |
read the manual for the find command | man find | man find |
check the history of bash | history |
SSH key does not work
chmod 600 for SSH key to work
Check Sudo Permissions
sudo -l (tells which programs user can run as root)
Calculate Hash
Sha256sum filename (to compute the hash)
Linux logs are located in var/log
Important commands
| Displays current username. |
| Returns users identity. Gives other groups the user is part of. |
| Sets or prints the name of current host system. |
| Prints basic information about the operating system name and system hardware. |
| Returns working directory name. |
| The ifconfig utility is used to assign or to view an address to a network interface and/or configure network interface parameters. |
| Ip is a utility to show or manipulate routing, network devices, interfaces and tunnels. |
| Shows network status. |
| Another utility to investigate sockets. |
| Shows process status. |
ps aux | processes by all users |
top | real time view of processes |
| Displays who is logged in. |
| Prints environment or sets and executes command. |
| Lists block devices. |
| Lists USB devices |
| Lists opened files. |
| Lists PCI devices. |
wc -l access.log | show no of lines in a file |
| The |
| Creates a new user or update default new user information. |
| Deletes a user account and related files. |
| Modifies a user account. |
| Adds a group to the system. |
| Removes a group from the system. |
| Changes user password. |
lsb_release -a | Current OS version |
Start stop service
systemctl stop myservice
Enable (add to system start up)
Background process
add & at the end
fg processid
Important Files
File | Directory | Importance |
shadow, passwd | /etc | passwords |
sudoers | /etc | Sudo permissions |
log,backup | /var | |
/tmp | writable in most of the cases | |
fail2ban.log, ufw.log,apache | /var/log | important logs |
Crontab is one of the processes that is started during boot, which is responsible for facilitating and managing cron jobs.
A crontab is simply a special file with formatting that is recognised by the cron
process to execute each line step-by-step. Crontabs require 6 specific values:
Value | Description |
MIN | What minute to execute at |
HOUR | What hour to execute at |
DOM | What day of the month to execute at |
MON | What month of the year to execute at |
DOW | What day of the week to execute at |
CMD | The actual command that will be executed. |
crontab generator can be used to generate crontabs.Crontabs can be edited by using crontab -e
, where you can select an editor (such as Nano) to edit your crontab.
crontab -l to see running crontabs
Start a service
run a service after start up
Enumerate services
Access a shared folder
In Network tab press ctrl + L
Escalate the privilege
Bypass Windows UAC
background the session with ctrl+z
Clear logs
Cat alternative
if cat command does not work, try head, less, nano, vim. If not use grep
Playing with text. Sorting, finding uniques values and cutting the values
We already have the list of unique domains based on our previous use case. Now, we only need to add some parameters to our commands to get the count of each domain accessed. This can be done by adding the -c
option to the uniq command.
Moreover, the result can be sorted again based on the count of each domain by using the -n
option of the sort command.
Based on the result, you can see that the count of connections made for each domain is sorted in ascending order. If you want to make the output appear in descending order, use the -r
option. Note that it can also be combined with the -n
option (-nr
if written together).
Last updated