Initial Enumeration of AD
Setting Up
For this first portion of the test, we are starting on an attack host placed inside the network for us. This is one common way that a client might select for us to perform an internal penetration test. A list of the types of setups a client may choose for testing includes:
A penetration testing distro (typically Linux) as a virtual machine in their internal infrastructure that calls back to a jump host we control over VPN, and we can SSH into.
A physical device plugged into an ethernet port that calls back to us over VPN, and we can SSH into.
A physical presence at their office with our laptop plugged into an ethernet port.
A Linux VM in either Azure or AWS with access to the internal network that we can SSH into using public key authentication and our public IP address whitelisted.
VPN access into their internal network (a bit limiting because we will not be able to perform certain attacks such as LLMNR/NBT-NS Poisoning).
From a corporate laptop connected to the client's VPN.
On a managed workstation (typically Windows), physically sitting in their office with limited or no internet access or ability to pull in tools. They may also elect this option but give you full internet access, local admin, and put endpoint protection into monitor mode so you can pull in tools at will.
On a VDI (virtual desktop) accessed using Citrix or the like, with one of the configurations described for the managed workstation typically accessible over VPN either remotely or from a corporate laptop.
These are the most common setups I have seen, though a client may come up with another variation of one of these. The client may also choose from a "grey box" approach where they give us just a list of in-scope IP addresses/CIDR network ranges, or "black box" where we have to plug in and do all discovery blindly using various techniques. Finally, they can choose either evasive, non-evasive, or hybrid evasive (starting "quiet" and slowly getting louder to see what threshold we are detected at and then switching to non-evasive testing. They may also elect to have us start with no credentials or from the perspective of a standard domain user.
Our customer Inlanefreight has chosen the following approach because they are looking for as comprehensive an assessment as possible. At this time, their security program is not mature enough to benefit from any form of evasive testing or a "black box" approach.
A custom pentest VM within their internal network that calls back to our jump host, and we can SSH into it to perform testing.
They've also given us a Windows host that we can load tools onto if need be.
They've asked us to start from an unauthenticated standpoint but have also given us a standard domain user account (
) which can be used to access the Windows attack host."Grey box" testing. They have given us the network range and no other information about the network.
Non-evasive testing.
We have not been provided credentials or a detailed internal network map.
Our tasks to accomplish for this section are:
Enumerate the internal network, identifying hosts, critical services, and potential avenues for a foothold.
This can include active and passive measures to identify users, hosts, and vulnerabilities we may be able to take advantage of to further our access.
Document any findings we come across for later use. Extremely important!
We will start from our Linux attack host without domain user credentials. It's a common thing to start a pentest off in this manner. Many organizations will wish to see what you can do from a blind perspective, such as this, before providing you with further information for the test. It gives a more realistic look at what potential avenues an adversary would have to use to infiltrate the domain. It can help them see what an attacker could do if they gain unauthorized access via the internet (i.e., a phishing attack), physical access to the building, wireless access from outside (if the wireless network touches the AD environment), or even a rogue employee. Depending on the success of this phase, the customer may provide us with access to a domain-joined host or a set of credentials for the network to expedite testing and allow us to cover as much ground as possible.
Below are some of the key data points that we should be looking for at this time and noting down into our notetaking tool of choice and saving scan/tool output to files whenever possible.
Key Data Points
Data Point
AD Users
We are trying to enumerate valid user accounts we can target for password spraying.
AD Joined Computers
Key Computers include Domain Controllers, file servers, SQL servers, web servers, Exchange mail servers, database servers, etc.
Key Services
Kerberos, NetBIOS, LDAP, DNS
Vulnerable Hosts and Services
Anything that can be a quick win. ( a.k.a an easy host to exploit and gain a foothold)
Enumerating an AD environment can be overwhelming if just approached without a plan. There is an abundance of data stored in AD, and it can take a long time to sift if not looked at in progressive stages, and we will likely miss things. We need to set a game plan for ourselves and tackle it piece by piece. Everyone works in slightly different ways, so as we gain more experience, we'll start to develop our own repeatable methodology that works best for us. Regardless of how we proceed, we typically start in the same place and look for the same data points. We will experiment with many tools in this section and subsequent ones. It is important to reproduce every example and even try to recreate examples with different tools to see how they work differently, learn their syntax, and find what approach works best for us.
We will start with passive
identification of any hosts in the network, followed by active
validation of the results to find out more about each host (what services are running, names, potential vulnerabilities, etc.). Once we know what hosts exist, we can proceed with probing those hosts, looking for any interesting data we can glean from them. After we have accomplished these tasks, we should stop and regroup and look at what info we have. At this time, we'll hopefully have a set of credentials or a user account to target for a foothold onto a domain-joined host or have the ability to begin credentialed enumeration from our Linux attack host.
Passive Monitoring
Responder is a tool built to listen, analyze, and poison LLMNR, NBT-NS, and MDNS requests and responses. It has many more functions, but for now, all we are utilizing is the tool in its Analyze mode. This will passively listen to the network and not send any poisoned packets. As we start Responder with passive analysis mode enabled, we will see requests flow in our session. Notice below that we found a few unique hosts not previously mentioned in our Wireshark captures. It's worth noting these down as we are starting to build a nice target list of IPs and DNS hostnames.
Active Monitoring
Fping provides us with a similar capability as the standard ping application in that it utilizes ICMP requests and replies to reach out and interact with a host. Where fping shines is in its ability to issue ICMP packets against a list of multiple hosts at once and its scriptability. Also, it works in a round-robin fashion, querying hosts in a cyclical manner instead of waiting for multiple requests to a single host to return before moving on. These checks will help us determine if anything else is active on the internal network. ICMP is not a one-stop-shop, but it is an easy way to get an initial idea of what exists. Other open ports and active protocols may point to new hosts for later targeting. Let's see it in action.
Here we'll start fping
with a few flags: a
to show targets that are alive, s
to print stats at the end of the scan, g
to generate a target list from the CIDR network, and q
to not show per-target results.
Initial Enumeration of the Domain
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