import requests
# Define the URL and headers
url = 'http://localhost'
data = {
"a": "8c5402a42040dda391e23b48c0a650b2",
"b": {
"c": "ebf001fe",
"d": ["023b07b0", "b6003939 e92a012a&9a2a763c#02944590"]
# Send the POST request
response =, json=data)
# Print the response
Challenge 31
dash L option
Challenge 32
Manually make 2xrequests
Challenge 33
python auto handles redirects
Challenge 34
first inspect the header to get the cookie value
Now set the cookie
Challenge 35
You do need to set the host
Challenge 36
Challenge 37
The -b and -c parameters in curl are used to handle cookies:
-b or --cookie: This option specifies the file containing the cookies to be sent with the HTTP request. It can also be used to pass cookies directly in the request.
-c or --cookie-jar: This option specifies the file where cookies received from the server should be saved after the request is completed.
Challenge 38
# Initialize the state and cookie
# Function to make an HTTP request and capture the response
make_request() {
request="GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost\r\nConnection: close\r\n"
if [ -n "$cookie" ]; then
request+="Cookie: $cookie\r\n"
response=$(echo -e "$request" | nc localhost 80)
echo "$response"
# Function to extract the state and cookie from the response
extract_state_and_cookie() {
state=$(echo "$response" | grep -oP '(?<=state: )\d+')
cookie=$(echo "$response" | grep -oP '(?<=Set-Cookie: )[^;]+')
# Infinite loop to handle stateful interactions
while true; do
echo "Making request with state: $state..."
# Make the request and capture the response
# Extract the state and cookie from the response
extract_state_and_cookie "$response"
# Print the response, current state, and cookie
echo "Response: $response"
echo "Current State: $state"
echo "Cookie: $cookie"
# Increment the state
state=$((state + 1))
# Sleep for a short time before the next request to avoid rapid polling (optional)
sleep 1
Challenge 39
import requests as r
host = ""
# First request
response1 = r.get(host)
cookie1 = response1.cookies
# Second request using cookies from the first response
response2 = r.get(host, cookies=cookie1)
cookie2 = response2.cookies
# Third request using cookies from the second response
response3 = r.get(host, cookies=cookie2)
cookie3 = response3.cookies
# Fourth request using cookies from the third response
response4 = r.get(host, cookies=cookie3)
cookie4 = response4.cookies
# Print the response of the fourth request