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Based on our work in the previous section, we now have control over the user adunn
who has DCSync privileges in the INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL domain. Let's dig deeper into this attack and go through examples of leveraging it for full domain compromise from both a Linux and a Windows attack host.
In this section, we will move back and forth between a Windows and Linux attack host as we work through the various examples. You can spawn the hosts for this section at the end of this section and RDP into the MS01 Windows attack host with the credentials htb-student:Academy_student_AD!
. For the portion of this section that requires interaction from a Linux host (secretsdump.py) you can open a PowerShell console on MS01 and SSH to
with the credentials htb-student:HTB_@cademy_stdnt!
. This could also likely be done all from Windows using a version of secretsdump.exe
compiled for Windows as there are several GitHub repos of the Impacket toolkit compiled for Windows, or you can do that as a side challenge.
DCSync is a technique for stealing the Active Directory password database by using the built-in Directory Replication Service Remote Protocol
, which is used by Domain Controllers to replicate domain data. This allows an attacker to mimic a Domain Controller to retrieve user NTLM password hashes.
The crux of the attack is requesting a Domain Controller to replicate passwords via the DS-Replication-Get-Changes-All
extended right. This is an extended access control right within AD, which allows for the replication of secret data.
To perform this attack, you must have control over an account that has the rights to perform domain replication (a user with the Replicating Directory Changes and Replicating Directory Changes All permissions set). Domain/Enterprise Admins and default domain administrators have this right by default.
Viewing adunn's Replication Privileges through ADSI Edit
It is common during an assessment to find other accounts that have these rights, and once compromised, their access can be utilized to retrieve the current NTLM password hash for any domain user and the hashes corresponding to their previous passwords. Here we have a standard domain user that has been granted the replicating permissions:
Using Get-DomainUser to View adunn's Group Membership
PowerView can be used to confirm that this standard user does indeed have the necessary permissions assigned to their account. We first get the user's SID in the above command and then check all ACLs set on the domain object ("DC=inlanefreight,DC=local"
) using Get-ObjectAcl to get the ACLs associated with the object. Here we search specifically for replication rights and check if our user adunn
(denoted in the below command as $sid
) possesses these rights. The command confirms that the user does indeed have the rights.
Using Get-ObjectAcl to Check adunn's Replication Rights
If we had certain rights over the user (such as WriteDacl), we could also add this privilege to a user under our control, execute the DCSync attack, and then remove the privileges to attempt to cover our tracks. DCSync replication can be performed using tools such as Mimikatz, Invoke-DCSync, and Impacket’s secretsdump.py. Let's see a few quick examples.
Running the tool as below will write all hashes to files with the prefix inlanefreight_hashes
. The -just-dc
flag tells the tool to extract NTLM hashes and Kerberos keys from the NTDS file.
Extracting NTLM Hashes and Kerberos Keys Using secretsdump.py
We can use the -just-dc-ntlm
flag if we only want NTLM hashes or specify -just-dc-user <USERNAME>
to only extract data for a specific user. Other useful options include -pwd-last-set
to see when each account's password was last changed and -history
if we want to dump password history, which may be helpful for offline password cracking or as supplemental data on domain password strength metrics for our client. The -user-status
is another helpful flag to check and see if a user is disabled. We can dump the NTDS data with this flag and then filter out disabled users when providing our client with password cracking statistics to ensure that data such as:
Number and % of passwords cracked
top 10 passwords
Password length metrics
Password re-use
reflect only active user accounts in the domain.
If we check the files created using the -just-dc
flag, we will see that there are three: one containing the NTLM hashes, one containing Kerberos keys, and one that would contain cleartext passwords from the NTDS for any accounts set with reversible encryption enabled.
Listing Hashes, Kerberos Keys, and Cleartext Passwords
While rare, we see accounts with these settings from time to time. It would typically be set to provide support for applications that use certain protocols that require a user's password to be used for authentication purposes.
Viewing an Account with Reversible Encryption Password Storage Set
When this option is set on a user account, it does not mean that the passwords are stored in cleartext. Instead, they are stored using RC4 encryption. The trick here is that the key needed to decrypt them is stored in the registry (the Syskey) and can be extracted by a Domain Admin or equivalent. Tools such as secretsdump.py
will decrypt any passwords stored using reversible encryption while dumping the NTDS file either as a Domain Admin or using an attack such as DCSync. If this setting is disabled on an account, a user will need to change their password for it to be stored using one-way encryption. Any passwords set on accounts with this setting enabled will be stored using reversible encryption until they are changed. We can enumerate this using the Get-ADUser
Enumerating Further using Get-ADUser
We can see that one account, proxyagent
, has the reversible encryption option set with PowerView as well:
Checking for Reversible Encryption Option using Get-DomainUser
We will notice the tool decrypted the password and provided us with the cleartext value.
Displaying the Decrypted Password
I have been on a few engagements where all user accounts were stored using reversible encryption. Some clients may do this to be able to dump NTDS and perform periodic password strength audits without having to resort to offline password cracking.
We can perform the attack with Mimikatz as well. Using Mimikatz, we must target a specific user. Here we will target the built-in administrator account. We could also target the krbtgt
account and use this to create a Golden Ticket
for persistence, but that is outside the scope of this module.
Also it is important to note that Mimikatz must be ran in the context of the user who has DCSync privileges. We can utilize runas.exe
to accomplish this:
Using runas.exe
From the newly spawned powershell session, we can perform the attack:
Performing the Attack with Mimikatz