Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

Now that we have acquired a foothold in the domain, it is time to dig deeper using our low privilege domain user credentials. Since we have a general idea about the domain's userbase and machines, it's time to enumerate the domain in depth. We are interested in information about domain user and computer attributes, group membership, Group Policy Objects, permissions, ACLs, trusts, and more. We have various options available, but the most important thing to remember is that most of these tools will not work without valid domain user credentials at any permission level. So at a minimum, we will have to have acquired a user's cleartext password, NTLM password hash, or SYSTEM access on a domain-joined host.

To follow along, spawn the target at the bottom of this section and SSH to the Linux attack host as the htb-student user. For enumeration of the INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL domain using the tools installed on the ATTACK01 Parrot Linux host, we will use the following credentials: User=forend and password=Klmcargo2. Once our access is established, it's time to get to work. We'll start with CrackMapExec.


CrackMapExec (CME) is a powerful toolset to help with assessing AD environments. It utilizes packages from the Impacket and PowerSploit toolkits to perform its functions. For detailed explanations on using the tool and accompanying modules, see the wiki. Don't be afraid to use the -h flag to review the available options and syntax.

CME Help Menu

Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

ammartiger@htb[/htb]$ crackmapexec -h

usage: crackmapexec [-h] [-t THREADS] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--jitter INTERVAL] [--darrell]
                    {mssql,smb,ssh,winrm} ...

      ______ .______           ___        ______  __  ___ .___  ___.      ___      .______    _______ ___   ___  _______   ______
     /      ||   _  \         /   \      /      ||  |/  / |   \/   |     /   \     |   _  \  |   ____|\  \ /  / |   ____| /      |
    |  ,----'|  |_)  |       /  ^  \    |  ,----'|  '  /  |  \  /  |    /  ^  \    |  |_)  | |  |__    \  V  /  |  |__   |  ,----'
    |  |     |      /       /  /_\  \   |  |     |    <   |  |\/|  |   /  /_\  \   |   ___/  |   __|    >   <   |   __|  |  |
    |  `----.|  |\  \----. /  _____  \  |  `----.|  .  \  |  |  |  |  /  _____  \  |  |      |  |____  /  .  \  |  |____ |  `----.
     \______|| _| `._____|/__/     \__\  \______||__|\__\ |__|  |__| /__/     \__\ | _|      |_______|/__/ \__\ |_______| \______|

                                         A swiss army knife for pentesting networks
                                    Forged by @byt3bl33d3r using the powah of dank memes

                                                      Version: 5.0.2dev
                                                     Codename: P3l1as
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t THREADS            set how many concurrent threads to use (default: 100)
  --timeout TIMEOUT     max timeout in seconds of each thread (default: None)
  --jitter INTERVAL     sets a random delay between each connection (default: None)
  --darrell             give Darrell a hand
  --verbose             enable verbose output

  available protocols

    mssql               own stuff using MSSQL
    smb                 own stuff using SMB
    ssh                 own stuff using SSH
    winrm               own stuff using WINRM

Ya feelin' a bit buggy all of a sudden?

We can see that we can use the tool with MSSQL, SMB, SSH, and WinRM credentials. Let's look at our options for CME with the SMB protocol:

CME Options (SMB)

Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

ammartiger@htb[/htb]$ crackmapexec smb -h

usage: crackmapexec smb [-h] [-id CRED_ID [CRED_ID ...]] [-u USERNAME [USERNAME ...]] [-p PASSWORD [PASSWORD ...]] [-k]
                        [--aesKey AESKEY [AESKEY ...]] [--kdcHost KDCHOST]
                        [--gfail-limit LIMIT | --ufail-limit LIMIT | --fail-limit LIMIT] [-M MODULE]
                        [-o MODULE_OPTION [MODULE_OPTION ...]] [-L] [--options] [--server {https,http}] [--server-host HOST]
                        [--server-port PORT] [-H HASH [HASH ...]] [--no-bruteforce] [-d DOMAIN | --local-auth] [--port {139,445}]
                        [--share SHARE] [--smb-server-port SMB_SERVER_PORT] [--gen-relay-list OUTPUT_FILE] [--continue-on-success]
                        [--sam | --lsa | --ntds [{drsuapi,vss}]] [--shares] [--sessions] [--disks] [--loggedon-users] [--users [USER]]
                        [--groups [GROUP]] [--local-groups [GROUP]] [--pass-pol] [--rid-brute [MAX_RID]] [--wmi QUERY]
                        [--wmi-namespace NAMESPACE] [--spider SHARE] [--spider-folder FOLDER] [--content] [--exclude-dirs DIR_LIST]
                        [--pattern PATTERN [PATTERN ...] | --regex REGEX [REGEX ...]] [--depth DEPTH] [--only-files]
                        [--put-file FILE FILE] [--get-file FILE FILE] [--exec-method {atexec,smbexec,wmiexec,mmcexec}] [--force-ps32]
                        [--no-output] [-x COMMAND | -X PS_COMMAND] [--obfs] [--amsi-bypass FILE] [--clear-obfscripts]
                        [target ...]

positional arguments:
  target                the target IP(s), range(s), CIDR(s), hostname(s), FQDN(s), file(s) containing a list of targets, NMap XML or
                        .Nessus file(s)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -id CRED_ID [CRED_ID ...]
                        database credential ID(s) to use for authentication
                        username(s) or file(s) containing usernames
                        password(s) or file(s) containing passwords
  -k, --kerberos        Use Kerberos authentication from ccache file (KRB5CCNAME)

CME offers a help menu for each protocol (i.e., crackmapexec winrm -h, etc.). Be sure to review the entire help menu and all possible options. For now, the flags we are interested in are:

  • -u Username The user whose credentials we will use to authenticate

  • -p Password User's password

  • Target (IP or FQDN) Target host to enumerate (in our case, the Domain Controller)

  • --users Specifies to enumerate Domain Users

  • --groups Specifies to enumerate domain groups

  • --loggedon-users Attempts to enumerate what users are logged on to a target, if any

We'll start by using the SMB protocol to enumerate users and groups. We will target the Domain Controller (whose address we uncovered earlier) because it holds all data in the domain database that we are interested in. Make sure you preface all commands with sudo.

CME - Domain User Enumeration

We start by pointing CME at the Domain Controller and using the credentials for the forend user to retrieve a list of all domain users. Notice when it provides us the user information, it includes data points such as the badPwdCount attribute. This is helpful when performing actions like targeted password spraying. We could build a target user list filtering out any users with their badPwdCount attribute above 0 to be extra careful not to lock any accounts out.

Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

ammartiger@htb[/htb]$ sudo crackmapexec smb -u forend -p Klmcargo2 --users

SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  [*] Windows 10.0 Build 17763 x64 (name:ACADEMY-EA-DC01) (domain:INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL) (signing:True) (SMBv1:False)
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  [+] INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL\forend:Klmcargo2 
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  [+] Enumerated domain user(s)
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL\administrator                  badpwdcount: 0 baddpwdtime: 2022-03-29 12:29:14.476567
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL\guest                          badpwdcount: 0 baddpwdtime: 1600-12-31 19:03:58
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL\lab_adm                        badpwdcount: 0 baddpwdtime: 2022-04-09 23:04:58.611828
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL\krbtgt                         badpwdcount: 0 baddpwdtime: 1600-12-31 19:03:58
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL\htb-student                    badpwdcount: 0 baddpwdtime: 2022-03-30 16:27:41.960920
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL\avazquez                       badpwdcount: 3 baddpwdtime: 2022-02-24 18:10:01.903395


We can also obtain a complete listing of domain groups. We should save all of our output to files to easily access it again later for reporting or use with other tools.

CME - Domain Group Enumeration

Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

ammartiger@htb[/htb]$ sudo crackmapexec smb -u forend -p Klmcargo2 --groups
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  [*] Windows 10.0 Build 17763 x64 (name:ACADEMY-EA-DC01) (domain:INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL) (signing:True) (SMBv1:False)
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  [+] INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL\forend:Klmcargo2 
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  [+] Enumerated domain group(s)
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  Administrators                           membercount: 3
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  Users                                    membercount: 4
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  Guests                                   membercount: 2
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  Print Operators                          membercount: 0
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  Backup Operators                         membercount: 1
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  Replicator                               membercount: 0


SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  Domain Admins                            membercount: 19
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  Domain Users                             membercount: 0


SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  Contractors                              membercount: 138
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  Accounting                               membercount: 15
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  Engineering                              membercount: 19
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  Executives                               membercount: 10
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  Human Resources                          membercount: 36


The above snippet lists the groups within the domain and the number of users in each. The output also shows the built-in groups on the Domain Controller, such as Backup Operators. We can begin to note down groups of interest. Take note of key groups like Administrators, Domain Admins, Executives, any groups that may contain privileged IT admins, etc. These groups will likely contain users with elevated privileges worth targeting during our assessment.

CME - Logged On Users

We can also use CME to target other hosts. Let's check out what appears to be a file server to see what users are logged in currently.

Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

ammartiger@htb[/htb]$ sudo crackmapexec smb -u forend -p Klmcargo2 --loggedon-users

SMB    445    ACADEMY-EA-FILE  [*] Windows 10.0 Build 17763 x64 (name:ACADEMY-EA-FILE) (domain:INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL) (signing:False) (SMBv1:False)
SMB    445    ACADEMY-EA-FILE  [+] INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL\forend:Klmcargo2 (Pwn3d!)
SMB    445    ACADEMY-EA-FILE  [+] Enumerated loggedon users
SMB    445    ACADEMY-EA-FILE  INLANEFREIGHT\clusteragent              logon_server: ACADEMY-EA-DC01
SMB    445    ACADEMY-EA-FILE  INLANEFREIGHT\lab_adm                   logon_server: ACADEMY-EA-DC01
SMB    445    ACADEMY-EA-FILE  INLANEFREIGHT\svc_qualys                logon_server: ACADEMY-EA-DC01
SMB    445    ACADEMY-EA-FILE  INLANEFREIGHT\wley                      logon_server: ACADEMY-EA-DC01


We see that many users are logged into this server which is very interesting. We can also see that our user forend is a local admin because (Pwn3d!) appears after the tool successfully authenticates to the target host. A host like this may be used as a jump host or similar by administrative users. We can see that the user svc_qualys is logged in, who we earlier identified as a domain admin. It could be an easy win if we can steal this user's credentials from memory or impersonate them.

As we will see later, BloodHound (and other tools such as PowerView) can be used to hunt for user sessions. BloodHound is particularly powerful as we can use it to view Domain User sessions graphically and quickly in many ways. Regardless, tools such as CME are great for more targeted enumeration and user hunting.

CME Share Searching

We can use the --shares flag to enumerate available shares on the remote host and the level of access our user account has to each share (READ or WRITE access). Let's run this against the INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL Domain Controller.

Share Enumeration - Domain Controller

Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

ammartiger@htb[/htb]$ sudo crackmapexec smb -u forend -p Klmcargo2 --shares

SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  [*] Windows 10.0 Build 17763 x64 (name:ACADEMY-EA-DC01) (domain:INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL) (signing:True) (SMBv1:False)
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  [+] INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL\forend:Klmcargo2 
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  [+] Enumerated shares
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  Share           Permissions     Remark
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  -----           -----------     ------
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  ADMIN$                          Remote Admin
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  C$                              Default share
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  Department Shares READ            
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  IPC$            READ            Remote IPC
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  NETLOGON        READ            Logon server share 
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  SYSVOL          READ            Logon server share 
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  User Shares     READ            
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  ZZZ_archive     READ 

We see several shares available to us with READ access. The Department Shares, User Shares, and ZZZ_archive shares would be worth digging into further as they may contain sensitive data such as passwords or PII. Next, we can dig into the shares and spider each directory looking for files. The module spider_plus will dig through each readable share on the host and list all readable files. Let's give it a try.


Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

ammartiger@htb[/htb]$ sudo crackmapexec smb -u forend -p Klmcargo2 -M spider_plus --share 'Department Shares'

SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  [*] Windows 10.0 Build 17763 x64 (name:ACADEMY-EA-DC01) (domain:INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL) (signing:True) (SMBv1:False)
SMB      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  [+] INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL\forend:Klmcargo2 
SPIDER_P...      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  [*] Started spidering plus with option:
SPIDER_P...      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  [*]        DIR: ['print$']
SPIDER_P...      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  [*]        EXT: ['ico', 'lnk']
SPIDER_P...      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  [*]       SIZE: 51200
SPIDER_P...      445    ACADEMY-EA-DC01  [*]     OUTPUT: /tmp/cme_spider_plus

In the above command, we ran the spider against the Department Shares. When completed, CME writes the results to a JSON file located at /tmp/cme_spider_plus/<ip of host>. Below we can see a portion of the JSON output. We could dig around for interesting files such as web.config files or scripts that may contain passwords. If we wanted to dig further, we could pull those files to see what all resides within, perhaps finding some hardcoded credentials or other sensitive information.

Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

ammartiger@htb[/htb]$ head -n 10 /tmp/cme_spider_plus/ 

    "Department Shares": {
        "Accounting/Private/AddSelect.bat": {
            "atime_epoch": "2022-03-31 14:44:42",
            "ctime_epoch": "2022-03-31 14:44:39",
            "mtime_epoch": "2022-03-31 15:14:46",
            "size": "278 Bytes"
        "Accounting/Private/ApproveConnect.wmf": {
            "atime_epoch": "2022-03-31 14:45:14",

CME is powerful, and this is only a tiny look at its capabilities; it is worth experimenting with it more against the lab targets. We will utilize CME in various ways as we progress through the remainder of this module. Let's move on and take a look at SMBMap now.


SMBMap is great for enumerating SMB shares from a Linux attack host. It can be used to gather a listing of shares, permissions, and share contents if accessible. Once access is obtained, it can be used to download and upload files and execute remote commands.

Like CME, we can use SMBMap and a set of domain user credentials to check for accessible shares on remote systems. As with other tools, we can type the command smbmap -h to view the tool usage menu. Aside from listing shares, we can use SMBMap to recursively list directories, list the contents of a directory, search file contents, and more. This can be especially useful when pillaging shares for useful information.

SMBMap To Check Access

Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

ammartiger@htb[/htb]$ smbmap -u forend -p Klmcargo2 -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL -H

[+] IP:	Name: inlanefreight.local                               
        Disk                                                  	Permissions	Comment
	----                                                  	-----------	-------
	ADMIN$                                            	NO ACCESS	Remote Admin
	C$                                                	NO ACCESS	Default share
	Department Shares                                 	READ ONLY	
	IPC$                                              	READ ONLY	Remote IPC
	NETLOGON                                          	READ ONLY	Logon server share 
	SYSVOL                                            	READ ONLY	Logon server share 
	User Shares                                       	READ ONLY	
	ZZZ_archive                                       	READ ONLY

The above will tell us what our user can access and their permission levels. Like our results from CME, we see that the user forend has no access to the DC via the ADMIN$ or C$ shares (this is expected for a standard user account), but does have read access over IPC$, NETLOGON, and SYSVOL which is the default in any domain. The other non-standard shares, such as Department Shares and the user and archive shares, are most interesting. Let's do a recursive listing of the directories in the Department Shares share. We can see, as expected, subdirectories for each department in the company.

Recursive List Of All Directories

Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

ammartiger@htb[/htb]$ smbmap -u forend -p Klmcargo2 -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL -H -R 'Department Shares' --dir-only

[+] IP:	Name: inlanefreight.local                               
        Disk                                                  	Permissions	Comment
	----                                                  	-----------	-------
	Department Shares                                 	READ ONLY	
	.\Department Shares\*
	dr--r--r--                0 Thu Mar 31 15:34:29 2022	.
	dr--r--r--                0 Thu Mar 31 15:34:29 2022	..
	dr--r--r--                0 Thu Mar 31 15:14:48 2022	Accounting
	dr--r--r--                0 Thu Mar 31 15:14:39 2022	Executives
	dr--r--r--                0 Thu Mar 31 15:14:57 2022	Finance
	dr--r--r--                0 Thu Mar 31 15:15:04 2022	HR
	dr--r--r--                0 Thu Mar 31 15:15:21 2022	IT
	dr--r--r--                0 Thu Mar 31 15:15:29 2022	Legal
	dr--r--r--                0 Thu Mar 31 15:15:37 2022	Marketing
	dr--r--r--                0 Thu Mar 31 15:15:47 2022	Operations
	dr--r--r--                0 Thu Mar 31 15:15:58 2022	R&D
	dr--r--r--                0 Thu Mar 31 15:16:10 2022	Temp
	dr--r--r--                0 Thu Mar 31 15:16:18 2022	Warehouse


As the recursive listing dives deeper, it will show you the output of all subdirectories within the higher-level directories. The use of --dir-only provided only the output of all directories and did not list all files. Try this against other shares on the Domain Controller and see what you can find.

Now that we've covered shares, let's look at RPCClient.


rpcclient is a handy tool created for use with the Samba protocol and to provide extra functionality via MS-RPC. It can enumerate, add, change, and even remove objects from AD. It is highly versatile; we just have to find the correct command to issue for what we want to accomplish. The man page for rpcclient is very helpful for this; just type man rpcclient into your attack host's shell and review the options available. Let's cover a few rpcclient functions that can be helpful during a penetration test.

Due to SMB NULL sessions (covered in-depth in the password spraying sections) on some of our hosts, we can perform authenticated or unauthenticated enumeration using rpcclient in the INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL domain. An example of using rpcclient from an unauthenticated standpoint (if this configuration exists in our target domain) would be:

Code: bash

rpcclient -U "" -N

The above will provide us with a bound connection, and we should be greeted with a new prompt to start unleashing the power of rpcclient.

SMB NULL Session with rpcclient

From here, we can begin to enumerate any number of different things. Let's start with domain users.

rpcclient Enumeration

While looking at users in rpcclient, you may notice a field called rid: beside each user. A Relative Identifier (RID) is a unique identifier (represented in hexadecimal format) utilized by Windows to track and identify objects. To explain how this fits in, let's look at the examples below:

  • The SID for the INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL domain is: S-1-5-21-3842939050-3880317879-2865463114.

  • When an object is created within a domain, the number above (SID) will be combined with a RID to make a unique value used to represent the object.

  • So the domain user htb-student with a RID:[0x457] Hex 0x457 would = decimal 1111, will have a full user SID of: S-1-5-21-3842939050-3880317879-2865463114-1111.

  • This is unique to the htb-student object in the INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL domain and you will never see this paired value tied to another object in this domain or any other.

However, there are accounts that you will notice that have the same RID regardless of what host you are on. Accounts like the built-in Administrator for a domain will have a RID [administrator] rid:[0x1f4], which, when converted to a decimal value, equals 500. The built-in Administrator account will always have the RID value Hex 0x1f4, or 500. This will always be the case. Since this value is unique to an object, we can use it to enumerate further information about it from the domain. Let's give it a try again with rpcclient. We will dig a bit targeting the htb-student user.

RPCClient User Enumeration By RID

Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

rpcclient $> queryuser 0x457

        User Name   :   htb-student
        Full Name   :   Htb Student
        Home Drive  :
        Dir Drive   :
        Profile Path:
        Logon Script:
        Description :
        Comment     :
        Remote Dial :
        Logon Time               :      Wed, 02 Mar 2022 15:34:32 EST
        Logoff Time              :      Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 EST
        Kickoff Time             :      Wed, 13 Sep 30828 22:48:05 EDT
        Password last set Time   :      Wed, 27 Oct 2021 12:26:52 EDT
        Password can change Time :      Thu, 28 Oct 2021 12:26:52 EDT
        Password must change Time:      Wed, 13 Sep 30828 22:48:05 EDT
        user_rid :      0x457
        group_rid:      0x201
        acb_info :      0x00000010
        fields_present: 0x00ffffff
        logon_divs:     168
        bad_password_count:     0x00000000
        logon_count:    0x0000001d

When we searched for information using the queryuser command against the RID 0x457, RPC returned the user information for htb-student as expected. This wasn't hard since we already knew the RID for htb-student. If we wished to enumerate all users to gather the RIDs for more than just one, we would use the enumdomusers command.


Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

rpcclient $> enumdomusers

user:[administrator] rid:[0x1f4]
user:[guest] rid:[0x1f5]
user:[krbtgt] rid:[0x1f6]
user:[lab_adm] rid:[0x3e9]
user:[htb-student] rid:[0x457]
user:[avazquez] rid:[0x458]
user:[pfalcon] rid:[0x459]
user:[fanthony] rid:[0x45a]
user:[wdillard] rid:[0x45b]
user:[lbradford] rid:[0x45c]
user:[sgage] rid:[0x45d]
user:[asanchez] rid:[0x45e]
user:[dbranch] rid:[0x45f]
user:[ccruz] rid:[0x460]
user:[njohnson] rid:[0x461]
user:[mholliday] rid:[0x462]


Using it in this manner will print out all domain users by name and RID. Our enumeration can go into great detail utilizing rpcclient. We could even start performing actions such as editing users and groups or adding our own into the domain, but this is out of scope for this module. For now, we just want to perform domain enumeration to validate our findings. Take some time to play with the other rpcclient functions and see the results they produce. For more information on topics such as SIDs, RIDs, and other core components of AD, it would be worthwhile to check out the Introduction to Active Directory module. Now, it's time to plunge into Impacket in all its glory.

Impacket Toolkit

Impacket is a versatile toolkit that provides us with many different ways to enumerate, interact, and exploit Windows protocols and find the information we need using Python. The tool is actively maintained and has many contributors, especially when new attack techniques arise. We could perform many other actions with Impacket, but we will only highlight a few in this section; and Earlier in the poisoning section, we grabbed a hash for the user wley with Responder and cracked it to obtain the password transporter@4. We will see in the next section that this user is a local admin on the ACADEMY-EA-FILE host. We will utilize the credentials for the next few actions.

One of the most useful tools in the Impacket suite is is a clone of the Sysinternals psexec executable, but works slightly differently from the original. The tool creates a remote service by uploading a randomly-named executable to the ADMIN$ share on the target host. It then registers the service via RPC and the Windows Service Control Manager. Once established, communication happens over a named pipe, providing an interactive remote shell as SYSTEM on the victim host.


To connect to a host with, we need credentials for a user with local administrator privileges.

Code: bash inlanefreight.local/wley:'transporter@4'@  

Once we execute the psexec module, it drops us into the system32 directory on the target host. We ran the whoami command to verify, and it confirmed that we landed on the host as SYSTEM. From here, we can perform most any task on this host; anything from further enumeration to persistence and lateral movement. Let's give another Impacket module a try: utilizes a semi-interactive shell where commands are executed through Windows Management Instrumentation. It does not drop any files or executables on the target host and generates fewer logs than other modules. After connecting, it runs as the local admin user we connected with (this can be less obvious to someone hunting for an intrusion than seeing SYSTEM executing many commands). This is a more stealthy approach to execution on hosts than other tools, but would still likely be caught by most modern anti-virus and EDR systems. We will use the same account as with to access the host.


Code: bash inlanefreight.local/wley:'transporter@4'@  

Note that this shell environment is not fully interactive, so each command issued will execute a new cmd.exe from WMI and execute your command. The downside of this is that if a vigilant defender checks event logs and looks at event ID 4688: A new process has been created, they will see a new process created to spawn cmd.exe and issue a command. This isn't always malicious activity since many organizations utilize WMI to administer computers, but it can be a tip-off in an investigation. In the image above, it's also apparent that the process is running under the context of user wley on the host, not as SYSTEM. Impacket is an immensely valuable tool that has plenty of use cases. We will see many other tools in the Impacket toolkit throughout the remainder of this module. As a pentester working with Windows hosts, this tool should always be in our arsenal. Let's move on to the next tool, Windapsearch.


Windapsearch is another handy Python script we can use to enumerate users, groups, and computers from a Windows domain by utilizing LDAP queries. It is present in our attack host's /opt/windapsearch/ directory.

Windapsearch Help

Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

ammartiger@htb[/htb]$ -h

usage: [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [--dc-ip DC_IP] [-u USER]
                       [-p PASSWORD] [--functionality] [-G] [-U] [-C]
                       [-m GROUP_NAME] [--da] [--admin-objects] [--user-spns]
                       [--unconstrained-users] [--unconstrained-computers]
                       [--gpos] [-s SEARCH_TERM] [-l DN]
                       [--custom CUSTOM_FILTER] [-r] [--attrs ATTRS] [--full]
                       [-o output_dir]

Script to perform Windows domain enumeration through LDAP queries to a Domain

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Domain Options:
  -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                        The FQDN of the domain (e.g. ''). Only
                        needed if DC-IP not provided
  --dc-ip DC_IP         The IP address of a domain controller

Bind Options:
  Specify bind account. If not specified, anonymous bind will be attempted

  -u USER, --user USER  The full username with domain to bind with (e.g.
                        '[email protected]' or 'LAB\ropnop'
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password to use. If not specified, will be prompted

Enumeration Options:
  Data to enumerate from LDAP

  --functionality       Enumerate Domain Functionality level. Possible through
                        anonymous bind
  -G, --groups          Enumerate all AD Groups
  -U, --users           Enumerate all AD Users
  -PU, --privileged-users
                        Enumerate All privileged AD Users. Performs recursive
                        lookups for nested members.
  -C, --computers       Enumerate all AD Computers


We have several options with Windapsearch to perform standard enumeration (dumping users, computers, and groups) and more detailed enumeration. The --da (enumerate domain admins group members ) option and the -PU ( find privileged users) options. The -PU option is interesting because it will perform a recursive search for users with nested group membership.

Windapsearch - Domain Admins

Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

ammartiger@htb[/htb]$ python3 --dc-ip -u [email protected] -p Klmcargo2 --da

[+] Using Domain Controller at:
[+] Getting defaultNamingContext from Root DSE
[+] Attempting bind
[+]	...success! Binded as: 
[+]	 u:INLANEFREIGHT\forend
[+] Attempting to enumerate all Domain Admins
[+] Using DN: CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users.CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users,DC=INLANEFREIGHT,DC=LOCAL
[+]	Found 28 Domain Admins:

cn: Administrator
userPrincipalName: [email protected]

cn: lab_adm

cn: Matthew Morgan
userPrincipalName: [email protected]


From the results in the shell above, we can see that it enumerated 28 users from the Domain Admins group. Take note of a few users we have already seen before and may even have a hash or cleartext password like wley, svc_qualys, and lab_adm.

To identify more potential users, we can run the tool with the -PU flag and check for users with elevated privileges that may have gone unnoticed. This is a great check for reporting since it will most likely inform the customer of users with excess privileges from nested group membership.

Windapsearch - Privileged Users

Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

ammartiger@htb[/htb]$ python3 --dc-ip -u [email protected] -p Klmcargo2 -PU

[+] Using Domain Controller at:
[+] Getting defaultNamingContext from Root DSE
[+] Attempting bind
[+]     ...success! Binded as:
[+]      u:INLANEFREIGHT\forend
[+] Attempting to enumerate all AD privileged users
[+] Using DN: CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users,DC=INLANEFREIGHT,DC=LOCAL
[+]     Found 28 nested users for group Domain Admins:

cn: Administrator
userPrincipalName: [email protected]

cn: lab_adm

cn: Angela Dunn
userPrincipalName: [email protected]

cn: Matthew Morgan
userPrincipalName: [email protected]

cn: Dorothy Click
userPrincipalName: [email protected]


[+] Using DN: CN=Enterprise Admins,CN=Users,DC=INLANEFREIGHT,DC=LOCAL
[+]     Found 3 nested users for group Enterprise Admins:

cn: Administrator
userPrincipalName: [email protected]

cn: lab_adm

cn: Sharepoint Admin
userPrincipalName: [email protected]


You'll notice that it performed mutations against common elevated group names in different languages. This output gives an example of the dangers of nested group membership, and this will become more evident when we work with BloodHound graphics to visualize this.

Once we have domain credentials, we can run the BloodHound ingestor from our Linux attack host. BloodHound is one of, if not the most impactful tools ever released for auditing Active Directory security, and it is hugely beneficial for us as penetration testers. We can take large amounts of data that would be time-consuming to sift through and create graphical representations or "attack paths" of where access with a particular user may lead. We will often find nuanced flaws in an AD environment that would have been missed without the ability to run queries with the BloodHound GUI tool and visualize issues. The tool uses graph theory to visually represent relationships and uncover attack paths that would have been difficult, or even impossible to detect with other tools. The tool consists of two parts: the SharpHound collector written in C# for use on Windows systems, or for this section, the collector (also referred to as an ingestor) and the BloodHound GUI tool which allows us to upload collected data in the form of JSON files. Once uploaded, we can run various pre-built queries or write custom queries using Cypher language. The tool collects data from AD such as users, groups, computers, group membership, GPOs, ACLs, domain trusts, local admin access, user sessions, computer and user properties, RDP access, WinRM access, etc.

It was initially only released with a PowerShell collector, so it had to be run from a Windows host. Eventually, a Python port (which requires Impacket, ldap3, and dnspython) was released by a community member. This helped immensely during penetration tests when we have valid domain credentials, but do not have rights to access a domain-joined Windows host or do not have a Windows attack host to run the SharpHound collector from. This also helps us not have to run the collector from a domain host, which could potentially be blocked or set off alerts (though even running it from our attack host will most likely set off alarms in well-protected environments).

Running bloodhound-python -h from our Linux attack host will show us the options available. Options

Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

ammartiger@htb[/htb]$ bloodhound-python -h

usage: bloodhound-python [-h] [-c COLLECTIONMETHOD] [-u USERNAME]
                         [-p PASSWORD] [-k] [--hashes HASHES] [-ns NAMESERVER]
                         [--dns-tcp] [--dns-timeout DNS_TIMEOUT] [-d DOMAIN]
                         [-dc HOST] [-gc HOST] [-w WORKERS] [-v]
                         [--disable-pooling] [--disable-autogc] [--zip]

Python based ingestor for BloodHound
For help or reporting issues, visit

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Which information to collect. Supported: Group,
                        LocalAdmin, Session, Trusts, Default (all previous),
                        DCOnly (no computer connections), DCOM, RDP,PSRemote,
                        LoggedOn, ObjectProps, ACL, All (all except LoggedOn).
                        You can specify more than one by separating them with
                        a comma. (default: Default)
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Username. Format: username[@domain]; If the domain is
                        unspecified, the current domain is used.
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD


As we can see the tool accepts various collection methods with the -c or --collectionmethod flag. We can retrieve specific data such as user sessions, users and groups, object properties, ACLS, or select all to gather as much data as possible. Let's run it this way.


Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

ammartiger@htb[/htb]$ sudo bloodhound-python -u 'forend' -p 'Klmcargo2' -ns -d inlanefreight.local -c all 

INFO: Found AD domain: inlanefreight.local
INFO: Found 1 domains
INFO: Found 2 domains in the forest
INFO: Found 564 computers
INFO: Found 2951 users
INFO: Found 183 groups
INFO: Found 2 trusts
INFO: Starting computer enumeration with 10 workers


The command above executed with the user forend. We specified our nameserver as the Domain Controller with the -ns flag and the domain, INLANEFREIGHt.LOCAL with the -d flag. The -c all flag told the tool to run all checks. Once the script finishes, we will see the output files in the current working directory in the format of <date_object.json>.

Viewing the Results

Credentialed Enumeration - from Linux

ammartiger@htb[/htb]$ ls

20220307163102_computers.json  20220307163102_domains.json  20220307163102_groups.json  20220307163102_users.json  

Upload the Zip File into the BloodHound GUI

We could then type sudo neo4j start to start the neo4j service, firing up the database we'll load the data into and also run Cypher queries against.

Next, we can type bloodhound from our Linux attack host when logged in using freerdp to start the BloodHound GUI application and upload the data. The credentials are pre-populated on the Linux attack host, but if for some reason a credential prompt is shown, use:

  • user == neo4j / pass == HTB_@cademy_stdnt!.

Once all of the above is done, we should have the BloodHound GUI tool loaded with a blank slate. Now we need to upload the data. We can either upload each JSON file one by one or zip them first with a command such as zip -r *.json and upload the Zip file. We do this by clicking the Upload Data button on the right side of the window (green arrow). When the file browser window pops up to select a file, choose the zip file (or each JSON file) (red arrow) and hit Open.

Uploading the Zip File

Now that the data is loaded, we can use the Analysis tab to run queries against the database. These queries can be custom and specific to what you decide using custom Cypher queries. There are many great cheat sheets to help us here. We will discuss custom Cypher queries more in a later section. As seen below, we can use the built-in Path Finding queries on the Analysis tab on the Left side of the window.

Searching for Relationships

The query chosen to produce the map above was Find Shortest Paths To Domain Admins. It will give us any logical paths it finds through users/groups/hosts/ACLs/GPOs, etc., relationships that will likely allow us to escalate to Domain Administrator privileges or equivalent. This will be extremely helpful when planning our next steps for lateral movement through the network. Take some time to experiment with the various features: look at the Database Info tab after uploading data, search for a node such as Domain Users and, scroll through all of the options under the Node Info tab, check out the pre-built queries under the Analysis tab, many which are powerful and can quickly find various ways to domain takeover. Finally, experiment with some custom Cypher queries by selecting some interesting ones from the Cypher cheatsheet linked above, pasting them into the Raw Query box at the bottom, and hitting enter. You can also play with the Settings menu by clicking the gear icon on the right side of the screen and adjusting how nodes and edges are displayed, enable query debug mode, and enable dark mode. Throughout the remainder of this module, we will use BloodHound in various ways, but for a dedicated study on the BloodHound tool, check out the Active Directory BloodHound module.

In the next section, we will cover running the SharpHound collector from a domain-joined Windows host and work through some examples of working with the data in the BloodHound GUI.

We experimented with several new tools for domain enumeration from a Linux host. The following section will cover several more tools we can use from a domain-joined Windows host. As a quick note, if you haven't checked out the WADComs project yet, you definitely should. It is an interactive cheat sheet for many of the tools we will cover (and more) in this module. It's hugely helpful when you can't remember exact command syntax or are trying out a tool for the first time. Worth bookmarking and even contributing to!

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